Tuesday, February 28, 2023


Great Minds Congratulates Senator-Elect, Dr. Victor Umeh (OFR)

A Grassroots Support group, Great Minds has congratulated the Senator-elect, Dr.  Victor Umeh (OFR) Ohamadike Ndigbo, over his victory at the polls, describing it as a reflection of the wishes of the majority of Ndi Anambra Central Senatorial District.
 Great Minds commended the political resilience of Ohamadike Ndigbo and urged him to be magnanimous in victory and represent equitably and fairly irrespective of party affiliations or creed.
Great Minds is a grassroots support group domiciled in Anambra Central Senatorial District, comprising Anaocha, Awka North, Awka South, Dunukofia, Idemili North, Idemili South, and Njikoka Local Government Areas.
In a statement issued in Awka by the Secretary-General, Comrade Ezeh Ikechukwu(Senator Iyke), the group described the election as a watershed in the history of Anambra Central, saying the will of the majority of the people, as expressed in the results of the election, should be respected and Labor Party has come to stay in Anambra State, South East, and  Nigeria.
The convener of the support group, Hon. Wendy Atikpoh called on Hon. Dozie Nwankwo and others to see the emergence of Ohamadike Ndigbo 
as a victory for all.

Saturday, February 25, 2023



By Hon. Emma Asie
(Mr E on the Mic)

The general elections are here again. 
This 2023 election is unique in many ways 

1. It is the 7th cycle of general elections (1999, 2003, 2007, 2011, 2015, 2019)
2. It is  the 2nd election in which the incumbent president will not be on the ballot (first was in 2007, with Obasanjo)
3. It is the first to use BVAS (Biomodal Voters Accreditation System), I-REV (Instant Results Viewing portal) and electronic transmission of results.
4. It has the highest number of registered voters (93.469m) and the highest number of expected voters- people who have collected their PVCs (87,207m).
5. It is the first election with the largest involvement of  active youths (over 50m voters between the ages of 18 to 34)
6. It has the highest volume of internet, social media and technology engagement. Over 40% of Nigerians use internet , with 70% of this value accessing it at least once a day
7. It is the first general election to be conducted in the middle of a major change in the country s legal tender and monetary policies (cash withdrawal limits). Also with a crippling fuel crises and with the ruling party and it's governors at open war against and defiance of the President. 
February 25 (President and National Assembly elections) and March 11 (Governorship in 28 states and Houses of Assembly elections) are indeed key dates for Nigeria.

But as you go out to vote, kindly note these essential information below. 

Condition to be allowed to vote. 
1. Must be 18 years and above
2. Must have PVC
3. Must be a Nigerian
4. Must appear in person at the appropriate PU where he or she registered. 
5. Must be on queue at the  appropriate PU within the stipulated time (latest 2.30pm).
1. Time- Opens 8 am. Accreditation starts 8.30 am. Stops when the last person on queue before 2.30 pm has been accredited. Accreditation and Voting goes same time.  

2. Queue up, Official will check your PVC to be sure you are at the right centre. 
3. Accreditation - When it gets to your turn, an official will collect ur PVC, insert it into the BVAS and  ask you to place your thumbprint on the BVAS for accreditation. If Thumbprint fails, facial recognition will be used.
If that fails, then it will be tried 3 times and after the 3rd one, You will not be allowed to vote again. 

If BVAS accredited you, then another official will look for your name on the voters list and tick it and also write it down in their voters schedule register. 
Then put indelible ink on your nail or cuticle. 
Another official will issue you 3 stamped, signed  and dated  ballot papers (each clearly marked PRESIDENT, SENATE or HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ) and you will be directed to go to the Voting cubicle. 
Note that u must not collect more than 3 for this Saturday. 
For March 11 depending on your state, u may be given 1 (HoA only)  or 2 (HoA and Governor)
4. Voting- while you are allowed to come with your phone to the PU and to video proceedings, you are however not allowed to go with your phone into the voting cubicle. An official will collect it from you and return it to you after you have voted. 

Inside the cubicle,  use either  your thumb or forefinger to dab the InkPad and then put it in the empty space against your preferred party. Ensure that it doesn't cross over to another party space. 

Fold each ballot papers vertically (like closing a book) not horizontally (up to down). 
Then go and drop it openly in the ballot box. 

Congrats you have done your part as a Nigerian!

You may decide to wait for counting later but you must stay atleast 30 meters away from the centre and must be peaceful.
4. Sorting and counting
When the last accredited person has voted, the PO will pour out all the ballot papers in full view of the party agents.  Then count them to ensure they correspond with the number of accredited voters on the BVAS and on their manually Written voters schedule register. Then sort each according to the parties voted. 
Then he will openly display and loudly count the number of votes each party got and declare the party with the highest votes, as the winner at the PU. 
The Result will be entered into form EC8 and the party agents will sign. Then the PO will snap a picture of it and upload it to the BVAS.  Party agents are also allowed to take pictures. 
If there is internet, The BVAS will transmit the result immediately to the I-REV and INEC data base. But if no network, it will be in offline mode and will transmit when the PO gets to an area with better network. 

Note that the BVAS is built to take  and upload only ONE picture of the result sheet. No room for multiple pictures so ensure that there is adequate lightening for clarity.

Dos and Don'ts
Ensure at the beginning of the exercise that the BVAS reads zero to prevent over voting. 

Once there is over voting in any PU, the entire results of that PU will be cancelled.

Also avoid vote selling and buying, plainclothes policemen are everywhere monitoring!

Don't go to the PU with arms or with any weapon.

Don't wear the clothes, face cap, wristband, muffler or any item that shows the logo or name of any political party or candidate to the PU. You will be arrested instantly and prosecuted (penalty is N100,000 fine and/or 6 months imprisonment).

Above all, be peaceful, orderly and obey the officials

Be Patient, it will surely get to your turn 

Have a successful and peaceful voting exercise!!

Saturday, February 18, 2023



By Hon. Emma Asie

The current agony Nigerians are going through as a result of the CBN's  summer-saulting confusing, controversial  and shoddily implemented  policies  on Naira re-design, Cash withdrawal, Cash swap and Cash scarcity, is directly traceable to the electoral evil of vote buying. 

Recall that Mr President Buhari himself in an interview with Premium Times at the early stage of the policy announcement by the CBN Governor Mr Godwin Emefiele said "We will not allow anyone to mobilize funds to disrupt the election" and therefore, the first deadline of the expiration of the N200, N500 and N1000 denominations as legal tenders (January 31st) was non negotiable and sacrosanct. According to him, he wants to leave a legacy of a free , fair and credible election for Nigerians and vote buying has been confirmed to be one of the major menace to this desire. Hence the unalloyed support to the CBN Governor on the Monetary policy. Though the CBN Governor who faced much backlash as being on a revenge mission against some political interests since he lost out at the APC presidential primaries, has denied any political undertone to the policy (despite the timing, speed and hyper obduracy on seeing it through) yet Mr President s interview, openly showed otherwise. So Nigerians were and are subjected to untold hardships, immeasurable anguish, horrifying agony and unquantifiable pains in the primary bid to curb this menace. 

But should the focus be only on vote buying?
Why are we looking at it from only one angle, BUYING VOTES?
Can someone BUY something if the other party is not willing to SELL?

In as much as I fully support any measure that will curb or eliminate monetization of our electoral process, I still insist that the issue should be looked at from at least 2 angles

Politicians are always unscrupulous and always ready to do anything to get votes. 
But with what we witnessed in Ukwulu ,Anambra state in 2021 during the state gubernatorial election, if a voter is unwilling to sell, the vote buyer cannot buy those votes.

We should focus more on prevention of vote buying and selling by sensitizing voters on its dangers and most importantly by openly arresting, prosecuting and  making examples of some vote buyers esp ones caught in the act. Where are the politicians and their agents who were caught or accused of buying votes during the very recent Osun and Ekiti elections?

Untill we start getting serious with this prosecution of vote buyers rather than paying mere lip service to it, we will never get it right in this fight against this evil act. 
What can be done to curb vote buying and selling? 

A)Sensitize and empower people on this 
B)Create a conducive environment for peaceful, free , fair and transparent election 
C) Show seriousness by openly arresting, prosecuting and jailing people already caught in the act (both buying and selling)

And see if vote buying and selling will not reduce drastically

We cannot continue cutting our nose to spite our face. The horror stories of the impacts of this ongoing cash crises are unmentionable. People are suffering unnecessarily while the politicians who are ostensibly the targets of this policy, are completely unaffected and immune from it. 

The Naira re-design policy is anti people and counterproductive. 

Rather the withdrawal limit policy should be more emphasized if the govt truly wants to do something about votes buying.

The N600 billion currently in circulation is too small to cater for the financial needs of Nigerians. Experts say as much as N1.2b to N2bn ought to be in circulation to make for a vibrant economy for a country our size. Not killing innocent Nigerians in the name of fighting vote buying.
Do you even know that with these crises, vote buying is even much more easier?
People do not see the new notes anywhere and are hungry and unable to spend the old notes they have. If on election day , someone offers a voter as low as N1000 of the new notes to sell his or her votes, don't you think the person will willingly do so? Before now, such votes buying used to go for as much as N10,000 or even N20,000 in some areas. Now for a mere N1,000 most people will hungrily sell their votes to get money to feed for the day.  There is no cash anywhere and due to the monitoring laxity and corruption in banks, most of the few notes in circulation are back in the hands of politicians who paid heavily through the backdoor to get them. Meanwhile the poor masses will queue up for hours at banks only to be given N2,000 of the new notes.  Remember the Biblical Esau  sold his birthright for one reason alone - he was hungry. The current scarcity of the approved Naira notes will merely make the offer by politician to buy vote much more attractive to a voter, not minding the amount. 

The aim of the policy might be noble but the implementation is shoddy and very very poor.

  We cannot because of this, encourage lawlessness by encouraging the Federal Government to disobey an order of the Supreme Court,no matter how unpopular that order may be. The law is the law. .
If we support the Federal government on this, then we have no basis crying foul over the continued detention of Nnamdi Kanu whom the courts have ordered should be released immediately and unconditionally. 

Let's face the hard truths

We cannot encourage lawlessness in order to fight an unpopular policy. 

That is encouraging anarchy and no nation can survive it. Jungle justice will now reign if this is allowed to stand

By his nationwide address On Thursday President Buhari has taken the matter out of the hands of the CBN and made the Naira re-design a presidential policy which makes it subject to mediation by the Supreme Court if the components units of the Federation (the states) disagree with it. The Supreme Court has been automatically given jurisdiction. So the challenge of Jurisdiction had taken care of itself. 

What should be focused upon is the substance of the matter and the issue of contempt of court by the Federal government under Buhari. 
Our courts especially the Supreme Court might have been compromised and often deliver controversial and unpopular judgements but unless we want to do away with our constitution, the Supreme Court still remains the highest court of the land whose decisions are final and unquestionable. According to the late Justice Oputa, "The Supreme Court is not final because it is infallible but it is infallible because it is final"  meaning that the supreme court is not without it's errors and failings, but being the Apex court of the Land, its orders, rulings and judgements remain final and not subject to appeal or further review. Hence it is the LAW itself. And so MUST be obeyed in toto, without question. 

That forms why many legal minds are not comfortable with the president's selective obedience to the Supreme Court order by that Thursday broadcast. Some like Femi Falana viewed it as plain contempt of court and disobedience to the rule of law which is the basis for democracy. 
We should fight corruption and vote buying , yes of course.  But let it not come at such humongous cost that negative impact on the people will be too much, thereby leading to the true aim being misunderstood by and lost to the people and hence defeated. Even if it ends up curbing  or even eliminating Votes buying, that will be a pyhrric victory. Justice must be done and must be seen to have to have been done. Perception management is the greatest challenge of policy drafting.
The fight against undue monetization of our electoral process should be all encompassing and multi dimensional, and not merely narrowed to the  singular mundane prism of Vote buying. 

Hon Emma Asie MNipr 
Writes from Awka.

Sunday, February 12, 2023


- Hon Uche Okonkwo

By Hon. Emma Asie

Hon. Uchenna Annie Okonkwo (EbubeAgu) the candidate of Labour Party for Idemili North and South Federal Constituency, has exhorted the people of the Constituency and Nigerians at large, not to give up hope in the face of the ongoing crises rocking the country as better days with positive changes will soon dawn on them when Labour Party gets elected into power at both the executive and legislative arms at the federal and state levels of government.

He made the exhortation when he featured as a guest on Political Heat, an interactive program of Alpha Radio Nnobi 106.5FM  anchored by Emma Asiegbunam (Mr E on The Mic).
Hon Uche Okonkwo lamented the state of the nation under the present administration and assured the people that as a youth who lived amongst them, he feels their pains and is in the race to the federal House of Representatives,to help better their conditions. He decried the  representative lacuna and ineptitude of the current member representing the federal Constituency and promised that with his unquestionable passion and love for the people, "Idemili north and south deserves more than what we are getting and I , Honorable Uche Okonkwo, shall do more and go the extra mile to ensure that our people are not short changed in anyway. I shall ensure that we  get what we  deserve and take our rightful place..."
On what informed his entrance into politics, the scion of the popular billionaire business man, philanthropist and one time senator, Senator Annie Okonkwo, explained that he was not new to politics, having contested for the state Constituency in 2019. He said that he is driven by his passion to see to the betterment of the lives of the people of Idemili north and south. It was this passion that made him to contest again in 2022 under APGA but lost the primaries due to some shenanigans in the party. However according to him "when His Excellency Peter Obi, asked me to join him in Labour Party and vie for the same post (House of Reps) I gladly accepted because I am his mentee (sic) and ardent follower. I did and here we are today".  He reminded  the people of Idemili north and south that Peter Obi whom they obviously love, cannot succeed alone as president if elected as he needs a supportive National Assembly filled with his own people and party members to help push through the good policies he will bring to change the country for better. He therefore urged them to vote for him to become a  member of the House of representatives to support Peter Obi. He pledged not to disappoint the people if elected.  He also prayed them to elect Labour Party candidates at all levels to guarantee better days. 
Responding to a caller who lauded him for his philanthropic works, EbubeAgu listed his other  ongoing philanthropic projects to via his foundation (Youth Expression and  Service - YES) to include scholarships, youth empowerment and community development and enthusiastically promised to do more. He pledged to channel all his youthful zest to bettering the lot of the people. 

Hon Uche Okonkwo listed the three key focus of his manifestos to include Employment and youth empowerment via skill acquisition, trainings and start up grants;  improved security aided by technology and attraction of massive  infrastructural development to the constituency.

Wednesday, February 8, 2023


- Hon Vincent Obi

Written by 
Hon. Emma Asie 

Hon Vincent Obi, (Eze-udo Ogidi) The candidate of PDP for Idemili North state Constituency in Anambra state, has stated that politics ought not to be a dirty game if played by the right persons and that he is in the game to change the narrative.

He stated this when he featured as a guest on Alpha Radio's political program tagged Political Heat, anchored by Emmanuel Asiegbunam (Mr E on The Mic).
Hon Vincent Obi described himself as a grassroots person who feels the pulse and pains of the ordinary citizens of Idemili north and has offered himself as a veritable candidate with a passion to get things done. He decried the lack of visible development  in Idemili North and  promised to take measures to urgently tackle security and youth restlessness, attract massive development and establish skills acquisition centres in he constituency. He described the current representation of Idemili north constituency at the State House of Assembly as being the wrong persons with no capacity, integrity or compassion.   He  said if elected, he will provide an exemplary representation that the people of Idemili north will be proud of. 
Eze -Udo maintained that  he came into politics to change the misconception that politics is a dirty game and that with people like him in power, politics and governance will become truly honorable in name and deed. He called himself a trader with a reputation of honesty and integrity which he will bring into the hallowed chambers if elected. 

On his chances at the polls, Hon Vincent Obi insisted that the electorate of Idemili north and Anambra state generally are wiser and more sophisticated today than before and so will not vote along party lines but will critically assess the candidates and vote the most trustworthy and reliable one, which he represents. 

Reacting to the issue of his party the PDP fielding a presidential candidate from the north while most south easterners are agitating for a president from the south east, Hon Vincent expressed confidence that Nigerians will make the right decision at the polls and  will vote wisely. He described members of the Obidients movement clamoring for the presidency of Peter Obi of Labour  Party as his brothers and friends. He also joked that Peter Obi is his brother as they shared the same surname (Obi). 
He promised to help enact laws that will make life easier for Anambrains and effectively manage and prevent the reoccurrence of the ongoing  crippling fuel and currency crises. 

Hon Vincent Obi listed his key manifestos to include eradicating social inequality, youth and women empowerment, innovative and inclusive development and sponsorship of equitable bills for better governance. He disclosed that as a private citizen he had brought much development and empowerment and awarded scholarships  to his community via his foundation (Vincent Obi Foundation) and promised to do more if elected to represent Idemili North at the Anambra state House of Assembly come March 11, 2023.

To watch the live stream on Facebook, click the link below

Sunday, February 5, 2023

MGBAKWU SEALED!- Sen. Umeh led LP Campaign Team received amidst massive jubilation in Mgbakwu, Awka north LGA

MGBAKWU SEALED! -  Sen. Umeh led LP Campaign Team received amidst massive jubilation in Mgbakwu 
~ Communities vows to elect Obi, Umeh and other Labour Party Candidates.

In conclusion of the Labour Party Campaign Tour in Awka North LGA of Anambra State, the Party's Candidate for Anambra Central Senatorial Election, Senator Dr Victor Umeh OFR (Ohamadike Ndigbo) today led the Labour Party OBIdient Campaign Team to Mgbakwu, Awka North LGA where they interacted with electorates and enlightened them on vital issues about the forthcoming General Election; where and how to cast their votes.

In his speech, Senator Victor Umeh emphasized the need to support the candidature of Mr Peter Obi who is the presidential candidate of Labour Party pointing out that the Country is in dire need of proactive and visionary leaders thereby stressed that Labour Party has fielded eminently qualified and competent candidates for the Presidential Election, National and State Assembly Elections thus, the OBIdient Movement has overwhelmed the entire Country.
Senator Umeh stressed that hence people in the North, South West and South South are agitating for the emergence of Peter Obi as President of Nigeria and showing massive support for Labour Party, people of South East (ndị Igbo) should come together in solidarity with Peter Obi under Labour Party and vote massively to ensure all Labour Party candidates win convincingly in the February 25th and March 11th 2023 Elections.

He assured them that when reelected into the Senate, he will together with other Labour Party members of the National Assembly support the visions of Mr Peter Obi as President and ensure the effective representation of ndi Igbo and Anambra Central in particular.
On their part, the people of Mgbakwu rolled out drums as they extolled Senator Victor Umeh's outstanding personality, sterling performance in the 17 months he was in the Senate and for his numerous projects and programs in Anambra Central of which Mgbakwu/Awka North benefited. 

While they prayed for victory for Mr Peter Obi in the Presidential Election and Senator Victor Umeh in the Anambra Central Senatorial Election as well as Prof. Lilian Oby Orogbu in Awka North and South Federal Constituency Election, and Hon. Ferdinand Onwuje in Awka North Constituency Election; they declared that any vote cast for any other Party aside LP is a wasted vote therefore vowed to ensure that no vote is lost in Mgbakwu and Awka North in general.
Prof. Lilian Oby Orogbu and Hon. Ferdinand Onwuje also joined their voices in sensitizing the people and soliciting for votes for the OBIdients. 

Vote LP: Papa, Mama and Pikin

Friday, February 3, 2023


.."I m still in the race, and I'm the candidate to beat" -  
Sen Victor Umeh

Written by 
Hon. Emma Asie. 

Former APGA national Chairman and senatorial candidate of the Labour Party, Sen Victor Umeh (OFR), has once again affirmed that he remains the candidate of the Labour party for the Anambra Central Senatorial zone, not minding the court judgement that nullified his candidacy a week ago. 

He made the affirmation while appearing as a guest on Alpha Radio 106.5Fm's political program tagged Political Heat hosted by Emmanuel Asiegbunam (Mr E on The Mic).
Sen Victor Umeh condemned the judgement as a miscarriage of justice and a judicial summersault since the plaintiff (Sen Uche Ekwunife of PDP) lacked the locus standi to initiate the suit and the court lacked jurisdiction to entertain it ab initio. He cited a ruling by the same court in 2022 on a case filed by the Anambra north candidate of the YPP Sen Ifeanyi Uba against the APGA candidate Hon Chris Azubogu. The same court under same judge had ruled then that Sen Ifeanyi Uba not being a member of APGA,  lacked the locus standi to initiate the suit in the first place. He also cited recent Supreme Court judgement on PDP vs Oyetola , APC and others in which the Supreme Court affirmed that only members of a political party who contested the primaries can challenge the outcome of the primary in court. The Supreme Court called the PDP "meddlesome interlopers". Sen Victor Umeh then wondered why the Trial Judge in his case, could assume jurisdiction over a matter that the Supreme Court had ruled on several times. He also revealed that the suit was filed out of time and was therefore incompetent. 
Ohamadike explained that having filed an Appeal against the judgement in the Court of Appeal Awka, he is therefore free to resume his campaigns which he had temporarily suspended as a result of the judgement. He called the judgement a "temporary set back... hatchet job by political opponents and some incompetent contestants who are envious of the widespread acceptance of my candidacy by the  electorates"  He urged his supporters and the public not to be intimidated as the court of Appeal would definitely set aside the "flawed judgement". 

Responding to a caller who asked him what he would do differently if elected to return to the 10th Senate, the Senator decried the current lopsidedness in federal projects, allocations and appointments by the federal  government and vowed to resist such and ensure that Federal Character is entrenched in all government policies and programs as he did in the 8th Senate. Sen Victor Umeh (Ohamadike) assured the public of his readiness to offer bold, dogged and active representation at the Red Chambers even more than he did in his first stint at the Senate in 2018. He gave his scorecard for the 17 months and promised not to relent in his fight to ensure that his constituency and indeed the entire south east is given capable and competent representation at the Red Chambers. 

Ohamadike further condemned the floppy implementation of the Naira re-design and withdrawal policies and warned that policies with good intents that are implemented inappropriately may backfire.  He urged the CBN and the federal government to  always consider the interest of the masses in all their policies. He also condemned the ongoing Fuel and Forex crises and traced their origins to the failure of the Legislature to checkmate the Executive, vowing to spearhead such checkmating if elected into the 10th  Senate 

On Peter Obi, the Senator disclosed that the Labour Party presidential candidate being the best candidate in the race,  is in prime position to win the 2023 presidential election and urged all Nigerians to support him and the party. He recalled how he and Peter Obi introduced the newly formed APGA to the Anambra electorate 20 years ago and how they used the then structureless APGA, to win the gubernatorial election in the state. He revealed that he actually joined the Labour Party and emerged as candidate of the party on the invitations of Mr Peter Obi.   

The Senator expressed confidence that with his track records in the 8th Assembly, his intimidating profile and widespread acceptance by the masses, he will surely emerge victorious on February 25 and be elected as senator to represent the zone. He prophetically asserted that as his name appeared at number 109 on the recently released final list of candidates by  INEC; as there are 109 senators in the Red Chambers and as he was listed as  the 109th Senator in the 8th Senate in 2018, he is therefore destined to be part of the 10th Assembly in 2023. He urged Nigerians to vote for him and for his party's candidates at all levels so as to  give the much needed support to Peter Obi when he becomes president of the New Nigeria everyone yearns for.  

To watch the live streaming of the program on Facebook, click on the link below


" Democracy without Development is useless " - Dr Law Mefor By Emma Asie anipr (MR E)  Erudite scholar, teacher and fo...