Sunday, March 5, 2023


"For A More Prosperous and united Idemili South, I m the candidate to beat"-
- Dr Sir Uche Obienu (Nwawelugo)

By Hon Emma Asie

The candidate of Labour Party for Idemili South State Constituency, Sir Dr Uche Obienu (Nwawelugo) has asserted that with his training and preparedness, he remains the candidate to beat at the polls. 

Sir Uche Obienu stated this when he appeared on an interactive phone-in political program on Alpha Radio 106.5FM tagged Political Heat which was anchored by Emmanuel Asiegbunam (Mr E on the Mic)
The Labour Party candidate used the opportunity to clarify that he had resigned officially and formally from the PDP and challenged anyone with contrary evidence, to come forth with it. He maintained that such rumours of him not resigning formally from the PDP before joining the Labour Party are baseless and false tales being spread by his detractors who are envious of his political progress despite being a relatively new person to Anambra politics. He however insisted that he remains undeterred and was confident of victory since he was the candidate to beat at the polls. 

Speaking on leadership/legislative requirements for the the position, Nwawelugo reeled out his experiences to include being President of the prestigious Rotrary Club Ikoyi and many national and international trainings and certifications. He affirmed that these exposures make him immensely qualifed and most prepared to occupy the seat and represent the People of of Idemili South. He decried the current lackluster and substandard representation of the Constituency and vowed to offer quality and effective representation if elected.
Dr Sir Uche Obienu responding to a callers question on integrity of politicians, said he as a person is well known for being a man of his words and pledged not to go back on any of the campaign promises he made to his constituency. He listed those promises as contained in his manifestos to include efficient non-discriminatory representation, attracting development and dividends of democracy to the Constituency and making the lives of his constituents easier and better. He emphasized the essence of engaging youths and making them employable via skill acquisition and entrepreneurship trainings, sponsorship and creating job opportunities and wealth creation. He pledged to harness and direct the zeal and skills of the youths of the Constituency towards more productive and beneficial ventures like sports and creativities. 

He further revealed that for over ten years, he had been impacting lives in Idemili South Constituency and beyond via his Uche Obienu Foundation. In his own words " For many years, I have done quite a lot (of philanthropic projects) as a private citizen. For example, in every town in Idemili South dozens of youths are enjoying my scholarship and sponsorship programs. I also sponsor a youth empowerment program here on Alpha Radio (oge umuntorobia) for over six years now. All these with my private funds as a private citizen. If given this opportunity (the House of Assembly) I shall do so much more for the good people of Idemili South".  
Sir Obienu urged the people of Idemili South not to be demoralized by the outcome of the presidential election but to continue their support for Labour party and for Peter Obi by coming out to vote for him and other Labour party candidates across the state on March 11. He also hailed the Obidient family for their resilence and massive participation that saw the relatively unknown Labor Party clinching 2 out of the 3 Senate seats and 7 out of the 11 House of Reps seats in the state at the February 25th polls and promised that the Labour party will not disappoint Anambrians and Nigerians. He specifically congratulated Sen Victor Umeh (OFR) and Hon Uche Okonkwo (EbubeAgu) for winning the Anambra central senatorial seat and Idemili North and South House of Reps seat respectively and prayed that the winning streak continue into March 11 for the House of Assembly elections.
To watch the live streaming of the interview program on FB pls click below

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