Thursday, April 6, 2023

"APGA IS UNITED WITH CHIEF EDOZIE NJOKU" - Chief Tony-Uche Ezekwelu National Vice Chairman (south East)

Chief Tony-Uche Ezekwelu, National Vice Chairman (South east). 

The All Progressive Grand Alliance (APGA) has once again affirmed that based on the March 24th 2023  correction of  Supreme Court Judgement, there are no longer any factions in the party and the party is united behind Chief Edozie Njoku as it's authentic chairman. 

This affirmation was made by the party's National Vice Chairman (South East) Chief Tony-Uche Ezekwelu speaking through the party's Publicity Secretary Anambra state Nze Ugo-Akpe Onwuka (Oyi of Oyi) on Alpha Radio 106.5fm program tagged Political Heat anchored by Emma Asiegbunam (Mr E on the Mic)
Nze Onwuka traced the history of the crises from the Owerri convention that produced Edozie Njoku through the Jigawa court order  instituted by Jude Okeke, the Deputy National chairman of Edozie Njoku s faction, that ousted him to the Kano Appeal court order that reinstated him and nullified the High Court ruling and finally to the Supreme court judgement of 2021 that upheld the Appeal court judgement.  However, the Supreme Court erroneously inputted Chief Victor Oye s name instead of Chief Edozie Njoku as the beneficiary of the order.  He described the struggle to correct the error and reclaim the mandate as being long, arduous and tasking but that after some  initial missteps by Edozie Njoku, the Supreme Court finally made the correction on the 24th of March 2023, thereby putting a final closure to the issue of  wh the authentic chairman of the party is. 

On the allegations by Chief Victor Oye that the Supreme court Judgement favored him (Oye) as the authentic chairman, Nze Onwuka read out the last paragraph of  page 19 of the corrected  judgement that says "It is therefore crystal clear that the dispute that gave rise to Appeal nos SC/VC/687/2021 and SC/VC/686/2021 was who should be the Acting National chairman of the First Respondent (APGA) and whether the erstwhile National chairman, Chief Edozie Njoku, was validly replaced. The suit has absolutely nothing to do with chief Victor Oye". From this judgement, he maintained that Chief Victor Oye cannot be a beneficiary of an order to which he was not party to and to which the Supreme court has categorically said does not concern him. In his own words "Hence Chief Victor Oye was a meddlesome interloper and not recognized by the court at all in any capacity, least of all as the chairman of APGA". On the recent Abuja High  Court Judgement by Justice Omotosho purportedly affirming Chief Victor Oye as the authentic chairman of APGA based on the same Supreme court Judgement, the state publicity secretary reiterated that  based on past Supreme Court rulings, the High Court lacks the powers to interpret or review the judgement of the Supreme Court on any matter. Moreover, according to him, that judgement was based on the previous erroneous Supreme Court Judgement that apparently favoured  Chief Victor Oye as the Supreme court correction was made on 24th March with the Certified True copy issued on 29th  while the High Court order was made on the 27th so the Trial Judge could not have based his judgement on this corrected version.  He was optimistic that when the facts of the CTC of the Supreme court Judgement are presented to him, the learned  Trial Judge will review and cancel his own judgement.  

Elucidating further on the way forward, the State Publicity Secretary stated that Chief Edozie Njoku will obtain an enrollment order and serve copies of  the certified true copy of the judgement on INEC, the Police and the DSS as a prelude to his  assuming duty at the Party s national Secretariat. He insisted that the chairman will not be rushed but will follow due process in reclaiming his mandate and assuming office peacefully. 
The National Vice  Chairman (south East) of the party Chief Tony-Uche Ezekwelu contributing via the telephone, called on other stakeholders in the party especially the Anambra state Governor Prof Charles Soludo and other elected members of the legislature at both federal and  state levels, not to exercise fear but to join hands with chief Edozie Njoku to rebuild and reposition the party. The National Vice Chairman assured all elected office holders that their positions are secured  under Chief Edozie Njoku as the chairman will not embark on any witch-hunt but will work with everyone to unite and  promote the party.

Chief Ezekwelu praised the party for putting up a good show at the national elections by winning  federal seats in Taraba, Abia, Anambra  and other states as well as retaining the majority of seats in the Anambra state  assembly election. He gave the assurance that under Chief Edozie Njoku, APGA will do much better in future elections as the party is a grassroot party that appeals to most Nigerians.

To watch the live stream of the program on Facebook,click on the link below

1 comment:

  1. Edozie Njoku and his co-travellers as still dreaming. They need to wake up and face the reality. Ozomkpu Victor Ike Oye is and remain the National Chairman of APGA



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